Scovill & Adams Company, New York 1891 - 1897
Triad 5X7
Scovill's Triad
was introduced by January, 1891, in the company of such other cameras as the
Scovill Detective, Advill, New Waterbury Detective, Knack and the Mascot. Initially known as the Triad, it was listed
as the Waterbury Triad in 1896 near
the end of its production. Manufactured
by the American Optical Company and marketed by Scovill & Adams, it was
initially available in 4x5 and 5x7 sizes. By January, 1892, the 5x7 size
disappears from Scovill's catalogues, only to reappear by 1896 for unknown
Replacing Scovill's Mascot
which is believed to have been discontinued in 1892, the Triad was capable
of being used with flexible film, as well as glass plates or cut film, hence
the name "Triad". The Triad
was designed to accept a roll holder and could be purchased with or without
one. The camera came standard with a cut
film holder, a double dry plate holder and a ground glass focusing screen.
Complete and equipped with a roll holder, the Triad 5x7 was priced at $55 in
January, 1891. Equipped with two view finders for horizontal or
vertical work, the view finders' design provided a proportionate view equal to
the resulting image. Focusing was
achieved by viewing the image on the ground glass, through the rear access
door. An adjustment knob at the top of
the camera was marked for distance, moving the lens in and out through a rack
and pinion arrangement. Fitted with an
Instantaneous Rapid Group Lens, the aperture could be changed by sliding a
metal tab with various sized openings.
Holes were placed in the camera's base to access the roll holder's
controls. This Triad 5x7's
dimensions are 7-5/8" in height, 9-7/8" wide and 11" in depth.
The shutter was fitted to the interior of the sliding
front panel, and was string-set via an external charging lever. The most often seen Triad model in 4x5 is
easily distinguishable from Scovill's other detective cameras with its two side-by-side
view finders:
Triad 4X5
Looking very similar to Scovill's Waterbury Detective
Camera, the Triad is also characterized by the knobs found on the side and rear
doors. These contrast the knob-less hinged side door and sliding rear door
found on the Waterbury Detective. The Triad 5x7 differs from the Triad 4x5,
having the side view finder at an approximate 45-degree angle to the top view
finder and a sliding front panel that doesn't extend the entire width of the
Triad 5X7
As on the Triad 4x5, its spring-tensioned lens cover is a
feature that's also found on some other Scovill Waterbury Detective models. The
Triad 4x5 has also been found with an extended
body to hold a greater number of holders. For more information on this version
and the Triad 4x5, look for them
under the "Antique Cameras"
section of this website.
Triad 4X5 Triad 4x5 - Extended Body
Triad 5x7
Triad 4X5 Triad 4x5 - Extended Body Triad 5x7
Triad 4X5 Triad 4x5 - Extended Body Triad 5x7
It's interesting to note that the camera depicted in
advertisements for the Triad has only one view finder and no spring-tensioned
lens cover. The reason for the error is unknown, but this same engraving
carried forward from the Triad's introduction in 1891 through at least
1896. The camera's description during
this same period, mentions it having a "Recessed Finder" with other
references to "a finder" or "the finder", but never states
that the Triad had two view finders.
Ad for the Triad from Scovill's American
Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac 1893
The Triad 5x7 shown here was accompanied by its original
field case, eight double dry plate holders, a dark cloth and a 16-page
catalogue from Miller & Company's Photographic Specialties copyrighted
From Scovill's
The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac for 1890
The Triad 5x7 is not pictured in this catalogue. But the
catalogue having been found with the camera and being copyrighted 1890, makes
one speculate whether Scovill's Triad was introduced just a little earlier than
January, 1891. The Triad doesn't appear in Scovill's How to Make Photographs, June, 1890, so if introduced
earlier, it would have occurred within this six-month window at best.
By 1897, Scovill & Adams' only remaining detective
cameras were the Waterbury Detective (also referred to as the Waterbury
Regular), the Waterbury Triad (as the Triad was now called) and the New
Waterbury (formerly the Waterbury Hand Camera). They all disappeared from the
marketplace that year.
Like most of Scovill's earlier detective or hand cameras,
the Triad is seldom seen today. When
encountered, it's almost always found in its standard 4x5 format. This Triad 5x7 is the only example that I've
ever seen. Being less popular in the larger format and costing almost 60% more
than the standard 4x5 model, considerably fewer were built making the Triad 5x7 quite rare today.