Scovill Manufacturing Company, New York               1888 - 1889




Appearing in Scovill's How to Make Photographs and Descriptive Price List as early as September, 1888, the Waterbury Detective Camera's original design was granted to Willard H. Fuller of Passaic, New Jersey under Patent No. 391,236 dated October 16, 1888. This date can be found stamped into the leather on the camera's top side and on the front panel:




The patent was assigned to the Scovill Manufacturing Company of New York.  Fuller held at least ten other photographic patents, all of which were assigned to Scovill Manufacturing Company or Scovill & Adams.



                             Source:  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office


                               Source:  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office


Another patent covered the design for marking the film in a roll holder. Patent No. 439,651, also granted to Willard H. Fuller on November 4, 1890, was assigned to the Scovill Manufacturing Company, as well: